Weekly Bulletin - February 21, 2021

Order of Service

Sunday, February 21, 2021



Family Prayer: Elder-led prayer which includes things that the Bible commands local churches to pray for (Eph. 6:18, Col. 4:2-4, 1 Tim. 2:1-2):

  • Church Family: Mark & Nancy Schroetter, Steve & Monica Seiberling, Mark Sergey

  • Missionary: A Family in the Middle East

  • Eau Claire Church: Ekklesia, Pastor Dan Shambro

Message: Troy Solava

Songs: Most Merciful God, His Mercy is More, Crown Him With Many Crowns

Songs Used by Permission - CCLI License #356753

What’s Happening at CVBC

  • Join the CVBC Easter Virtual Choir! Everyone of all ages is invited to participate in our recorded rendition of Crown Him With Many Crowns. Sign up in the foyer or online at cvbc.net (scroll down the homepage and click on the Virtual Choir image). Once you sign up, you’ll receive instructions on how to make a video.

  • Men’s Bible Study meets Tuesday mornings from 7:00-8:00am in Room 10. Join us!

  • Tuesday Morning Moms meet from 9:30-11:00am weekly for fellowship and encouragement from God’s Word. All moms are welcome! Nursery is provided.

  • Sunday School is available for 4K through High School. Registration is open: see the CVBC website’s home page. Middle and high school students don’t need to register.

  • FREEDOM Recovery meets 3x weekly: Tues.-1pm, Thurs.-7pm, and Sat.-8am. We use the Life Recovery Bible 12-Step Program. Join us! Contact Jerry at (715) 379-0200 or email solfestjerry499@gmail.com.

SERMON: The Undying Worm and the Unquenchable Fire

Mark 9:42-50

Main Point: Pursuing Christ leads to ____ and pursuing sin leads to ____. So, a serious commitment to Christ requires taking ____ ____________.

  1. God’s Hatred of _____.

  2. The Reality of ______.

  3. The Call to _____ Sin.

Small Group Questions:

  • What is something that stood out to you from this passage or sermon? 

  • What do you learn about hell and its necessity from this passage? Why is Hell such a hard topic today?

  • What does this passage call you to practically do?

Back of Bulletin: Missionary Highlight: M & G

Serving with Cru Middle East*
*With the lack of true religious freedom, the specific location remains undisclosed in print.

From a recent newsletter (November 2020):

Sometimes it can be hard to share just how strange life can be here. In the last week alone:

· M has engaged in board meetings for our kids’ school in which we have wrestled with the school’s long-term sustainability in light of dropping attendance caused by, among other things, Covid-19 and the government kicking people out of the country.

· G has met (Zoom-style) with one of our staff couples for a crisis debrief conversation after the recent earthquake forced them and their new baby from their home.

· M has had to force difficult conversations around one of our BAM (Business As Mission) teams that has spent lots of money with little results, clarifying the goals and timelines before we cut our losses, and people’s jobs and dreams are lost.

· G had to spontaneously wrestle with knowing how to best help three shoeless, car-dwelling local girls that (our young daughter) invited into our yard to pet our kitties.

It is always difficult to adequately express just how thankful we are for your place in our lives — for your generosity, for your encouragement and for your prayers. We have often sensed your prayers so clearly. Without your partnership, we would not be here. That is clear. Thank you doesn’t seem adequate, but I don’t know how to say it better. Thank you.

We are so grateful to the Lord for you. Whether by your love, prayers and gifts, or our upholding these Kingdom-builders or shoes for the shoeless, Jesus’ light is shining brightly in this beautiful land.

Gratefully, M & G

Prayer request from January 29, 2021: M broke his leg in a slip-and-fall on the ice (“What an embarrassing way to break one’s leg when from Wisconsin”). He says recovery is going well. Please pray for sleep—he’s feeling exhausted as he’s getting only 3-5 hours of sleep per night.


Libby Krause2020